Can’t seem to figure out a feature or menu? There's a good chance you're not alone in your plight. Check below to see if an answer awaits!

Can I change the FX preset the mixer defaults to on boot-up?

No, the mixer will always default to the Delay preset. You can create up to 6 FX presets of your liking and recall them on boot-up, however.

Can I record the SD and USB playback channels as part of my multitracks?

No, only post-gain analog channels are sent along the individual USB sends to your computer. If you want to record SD card or USB playback audio, you can utilize the stereo main mix (found in either the first two or last two USB sends, depending on the position of the USB SEND switch).

Do I need a driver or a firmware update for my mixer?

We recommend all users to update their mixer to the latest firmware. Amidst other improvements, this update addresses rotary encoder knob responsiveness.

Only Windows users need to install our driver.

Both the firmware update and driver can be found in our Drivers/Downloads page:

How should I optimize my mixer's USB interface for communication apps like Zoom or Teams?

By default, Onyx mixers send each input as an isolated track to your computer (also known as "multitracking"). Because communication apps will always default to your mixer's first two USB channels (1-2), your listeners will only hear the first two inputs unless you make a vital setting change.

Above the mixer's main fader is a button labelled SND with a USB icon. This is short for USB Send. Engaging this button will re-route the stereo main mix to USB sends 1-2 which will allow your listeners to hear all channels at once!

Is the Bluetooth input bidirectional?

No, the Bluetooth feature is just an input. It should be used for music playback but not phone calls.

Which Bluetooth codecs does this mixer support?

This mixer supports SBC and AAC via the Bluetooth connection.